
rexposome is an R package for exposome characterization and exposome-outcome test association. It was developed by Carles Hernandez-Ferrer as part of its PhD project and used in the analysis performed in HELIX Project. It depends in a series of third party R packages to provide: A basic pipeline for missing-data imputation in exposome, include the imputation of values under limit of detection. A series of functions to describe and characterize the exposome, including PCA in exposures and samples space, correlation between exposures and clustering of samples through exposure levels. Two different approaches to test the association exposome-diseasom in terms of Exposome-Wide Association Studies (ExWAS and mExWAS). The package can be found at GitHub and at Bioconductor: GitHub: rexposome Bioconductor: rexposome We are writing an article about the exposome pipeline analysis,…
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The *Comparative Toxicogenomics Database* is a public resource for toxicogenomic information manually curated from the peer-reviewed scientific literature about chemicals, gene and health outcomes interactions. It includes more than 30.5 million toxicogenomic connections. The `CTDquerier` package allows to retrieve CTD data into R environment to be used in CRNA or Bioconductor downstream analysis. The package can be bound at **GitHub**: * **GitHub**: [`CTDquerier`]( We have submitted an article about `CTDquerier` (sent: July 4th, 201): > **Carles Hernandez-Ferrer, Juan R. Gonzalez; CTDquerier: a tool for enrichment analysis in genetic and toxicological studies using CTD; Bioinformatics*
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This R package is built to extend the capabilities of the R package rexposome and to allow to find exposome molecular signatures. This is archived by implementing a limma wrapper that works with ExposomeSet objects. This is a work of the PhD project of Carles Hernandez-Ferrer. The package can be found at GitHub and at Bioconductor: GitHub: omicRexposome Bioconductor: omicRexposome We are writing an article about the exposome pipeline analysis, which is joint with rexposome package: Carles Hernandez-Ferrer, ... Juan R. Gonzalez; Comprehensive analysis of the exposome, exposomehealth associations and omics intermediates; XXXXXX
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