
This package was built when I was working at Xavier Estivill’s lab at Center for Genomic Regulation and it is written in collaboration with Victor Moreno and his colleagues. The R package SNPassoc contains classes and methods to help the analysis of whole genome association studies. SNPassoc utilizes S4 classes and extends haplo.stats R package to facilitate haplotype analyses. The package is useful to carry out most common analysis when performing whole genome association studies. These analyses include descriptive statistics and exploratory analysis of missing values, calculation of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, analysis of association based on generalized linear models (either for quantitative or binary traits), and analysis of multiple SNPs (haplotype and epistasis analysis). Permutation and related tests (sum statistic and truncated product) are also implemented. The package is available from…
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BRGE at the New Horizons for Early Life Exposome Research

Dr Juan R. Gonzanez, the PhD Student Carles Hernandez-Ferrer and Marta Vives-Usano have a presentation during the first day of the HELIX symposium "New Horizons for Early Life Exposome Research". Here you can find the program of the symposium. Their speeches were entitled: Dr Juan R. Gonzalez: "Human epigenome, transcriptome, metabolome and proteome variability explained bu the exposome" Carles Hernandez-Ferrer: "Molecular signatures time variability in HELIX panel paired-samples" Marta Vives-Usano: "Smoking and methylation"
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HELIX project on El Periódico de Catalunya

​ Last Friday (October 27th, 2017), El Periódico de Catalunya came to ISGlobal to cover the HELIX Project that is being carried out in collaboration with many European research centres. Fortunately, the article was published two days before the symposium HELIX and ISGlobal are organizing for next Monday and Tuesday (New Horizons for Early Life Exposome Research) in Barcelona. The links to the Spanish and Catalan articles follow: ES CAT ​
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We were at the International Workshop Environmental Omics Integration & Modeling

​ Last Friday, our group leader Dr Juan R. Gonzalez and our colleagues Carles Hernandez-Ferrer and Marta Vives-Usano were at "International Workshop EnvironmEntal Omics Integration & Modeling" (CosmoCaixa, Barcelona, October 18-20). The aim of the workshop was to review the state-of-the-art of the high-throughput analytical methods, data integration and modelling in Environmental Omics and Toxicology. Here you can find the program of the event. The talks given by or group mebers were: Dr Juan R. Gonzalez: "MultiDataSet: an R package for encapsulating multiple data sets with application to omic data integratio" Carles Hernandez-Ferrer: "rexposome: a bioinformatic tool for characterizing multiple environmental factors and its association with different omics biomarkers and disease" Meanwhile, Marta Vives-Usano was presenting the poster "The Human Early Life Exposome (HELIX) Project: Molecular Mechanisms"
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