is an R package for exposome characterization and exposome-outcome test association. It was developed by Carles Hernandez-Ferrer as part of its PhD project and used in the analysis performed in HELIX Project.
It depends in a series of third party R packages to provide:
- A basic pipeline for missing-data imputation in exposome, include the imputation of values under limit of detection.
- A series of functions to describe and characterize the exposome, including PCA in exposures and samples space, correlation between exposures and clustering of samples through exposure levels.
- Two different approaches to test the association exposome-diseasom in terms of Exposome-Wide Association Studies (
The package can be found at GitHub and at Bioconductor:
We are writing an article about the exposome pipeline analysis, which is joint with omicRexpoosme
Carles Hernandez-Ferrer, … Juan R. Gonzalez; Comprehensive analysis of the exposome, exposomehealth associations and omics intermediates; XXXX